Canada’s Immigration Minister Signals Upcoming Changes to Post-Study Work Rights

Upcoming Changes to Post-Study Work Rights
Canada’s Immigration Minister Signals Upcoming Changes to Post-Study Work Rights

Canada’s Immigration Minister Signals Upcoming Changes to Post-Study Work Rights

Short on time? Here are the highlights:

  • Canadian immigration officials are consulting with provincial counterparts and peak bodies on reforms to the country’s Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) programme.
  • The immigration ministry intends to update the programme to better align it with labour market needs in Canada.
  • The nature of the reforms is not yet clear, but a recent survey provides some clues and cause for concern.

For more than 15 years now, international students have been able to come to Canada, complete any type of post-secondary programme, and then be eligible for an open work permit on graduation. This policy, the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), has been a major driver of the significant growth in Canada's foreign enrolment over the last decade. It explains, in part, the large share of that enrolment distributed across one or two-year post-graduate diplomas or college programmes of similar length.

The last significant change to the PGWP policy was in 2008, when the programme expanded to allow foreign graduates to gain an open work permit for up to three years, depending on the length of their programme of study. There have been no restrictions on location or programme of study, nor any requirements in terms of a job offer or minimum income threshold.

However, it appears that change is on the near horizon for the PGWP. An internal Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) briefing document reports that "PGWP [participation] increased by 214% in 2023 compared to 2018."

The brief notes that "Work is underway to re-align the program to better meet targeted labour market needs and immigration objectives…The goal of re-aligning labour market needs is to facilitate access to work permits for students entering occupations in shortage, while reducing access for graduates from other programs. This could have a significant impact on the volume of international students and PGWP holders if stringent tapering is applied to programs with lower labour market relevance. Advice on this issue will be provided to the Minister in spring 2024, with the goal of implementing changes in January 2025."

Immigration Minister Marc Miller has made public statements to similar effect in recent months, clearly signalling his intent to reform the PGWP programme, particularly to better align it with labour market needs in Canada. It is unclear what shape these reforms may take, but one of the options available to the Minister would be to cap or otherwise limit PGWP participation in some way. Other informed observers have suggested that new PGWP settings could result in shorter post-graduate work terms for areas of lower labour market demand alongside longer periods of work for fields that are better aligned with Canada's labour needs.

Consulting and Survey Insights

IRCC recently circulated a survey to provincial and territorial governments to consult on the anticipated PGWP reforms. The survey was subsequently distributed among peak bodies in Canada, and, in some cases, to their member institutions.

The survey document sets out that the purpose of the pending reforms is to "Align PGWP eligibility with labour market needs while reducing the overall volume of PGWP holders, and increasing the likelihood that international students have labour market outcomes commensurate with their education and training."

The survey asks respondents to provide input on eight key questions, offering insight into IRCC's thinking around the future shape of the PGWP programme:

  1. If PGWP eligibility were restricted based solely on occupations in shortage and corresponding programmes of study, which occupations should be included based on the needs in your area?
  2. What, if any, cohorts should be exempted from these changes, such as francophone students or graduate degree programmes or others? Please indicate the rationale.
  3. Should international students be required to demonstrate proof of a job offer aligned with the occupational shortage list to hold a PGWP beyond one year?
  4. Should any other eligibility criteria (language, provincial support, etc.), apart from a job offer, be applied to PGWP holders seeking to extend their permit past one year?
  5. What is your view of applying these labour market-based changes to PGWP eligibility to all graduates upon announcement this year, rather than grandfathering students already studying in Canada at the time of implementation?
  6. How often should the occupational shortage list be revised, and at what point thereafter should it be applied to students whose study is underway?
  7. Do changes to the PGWP being explored align with the profile of candidates you'd like to remain working in your jurisdictions in the long term?
  8. Is your Provincial Nominee Programme positioned to offer a viable pathway to permanent residence for international graduates with job offers in these key sectors?

Question #5 has drawn considerable attention from international educators and stakeholders, both in Canada and abroad. It suggests that changes to PGWP could be brought into immediate effect, including for students already enrolled in or about to graduate from their programmes in Canada. Such a move could introduce considerable confusion and uncertainty for students and their families and have a profound impact on foreign enrolment in Canada, undermining Canada's position on the global stage and its ability to attract the skills and talents of the world's students.

Potential Impact of Stricter PGWP Rules

There is every indication that the policy settings already introduced by the Canadian government, notably the enrolment cap, are pushing application volumes and enrolments down significantly this year. Any further policy changes risk undermining one of the country's top export sectors, potentially causing a shift in international students targeting other education destinations. This could place the industry in a position from which it could take years to recover.

For additional background, please see:

  • "US gains greater share of international student interest amid policy changes in competitor destinations"
  • "The impact of immigration settings, affordability, and job opportunities on international students’ study abroad decisions"
  • "Canadian immigration minister releases official cap figures and targets for 2024"

This article is written by Team Student Central. Please connect with us for more clarity. Note that no decisions have been made as of now. Questions have been asked to the provinces, and decisions will be based on the feedback received. This is a high time to target specialised programs in Canada. Do not opt for shortcuts; take professional programs as there is a high possibility they will align with the labor market of Canada or any other country you are targeting. Canada to change PGWP rules, New Updates from Canada, Study in Canada.


  • Upcoming reforms to the PGWP programme
  • Potential impacts on international students
  • Consultations and survey insights
  • Importance of targeting specialised programs in Canada

Make informed decisions and choose programs that align with labour market needs to ensure better outcomes and opportunities for your future.

Posted 8 months ago